Sunday, May 22, 2016

Week 1 Reflection

Week 1 Reflection

Please excuse my confusion! I thought I needed to post my two additional resources here in my reflection. I realize now it needs to go into the first post. Whoops!  Any how emerging technologies was a topic for my husband and our best friends around the campfire last night. Praise God for the amazing weather we have had here on the  rainy rock of Kodiak.  So we were talking about this and we came up with the idea that American's in general are slower at accepting changes than many other countries. We pride ourselves on our nostalgic mind set and and "good old days". I think this is a part of our culture and certainly more true for people who live in less urban areas. So perhaps this aversion by many to accept changes in education are a part of this nostalgic culture.
At the same time we realized that Facebook is always emerging and has connected millions of people together. I know I use it to plan all of my activities and find out what is going on. I have a FB page for my classroom and my church has one as well.  My best friend has a store on FB and makes hundreds maybe even a thousand dollars a month selling clothes on FB. Isn't that amazing!  If you don't have a FB account today people find it strange!
My kids go to a school that embraces technology very much.  Robotics classes and World Bridge which is a STEM school are highly sought after classes.  In fact the Bridge team won First place in a world competition in Italy last summer for their early earthquake warning system.  Right now they are working on an agricultural project to grow grass on desert floors.
Here is a video of my son's robotics team at his school. He is the one in green with the stocking cap on.  It really starts about 1:25 before that his teacher is doing some instruction.

 Anyway this to me is an emerging technology that is on the horizon of becoming more commonplace.  Especially if we consider technology to be the agent of change for our world. This Scientific American post      lists all different types of technologies that are shaping our world and driving innovation. I do feel like we as teachers are innovators we are learning new things about our students and about our teaching everyday. I'm excited to see what I can learn from this class about introducing technologies into my classroom. 

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